3/2/97, Issue # P.2 "Voting Results"


To the Voting Electorate,


            The votes regarding the entry fee for the upcoming NCAA tournament pool have been tallied.  A whopping 8  out of 16 voted.  Well, at least we surpassed the presidential election voting rate.  Anyways, despite Alvin's negative campaigning and Donald's fire and brimstone, we will keep the entry fee at $10 this year.  If you had your heart set on spending $20 for the pool, you could enter two different sets of picks and double your chances, like I did last year.  But then you would stand to lose $20 instead of $10, like I did last year.  Specific pool instructions will be sent sometime this week.


that is all,





"Help him, help him!"

"Help who?"

"The bombardier!"

"But I'M the bombardier!"

"Then help HIM!"


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